Dear buds,
If your life were a book and you were the author, how would the story go?
The intention with this monthly issues is to support you on a journey to discovering and defining your strengths, weaknesses, values and purpose. Knowing these can bring you a lot of benefits. The better you know yourself, the better you can make decisions, set priorities, chart your development and more.
Everyone’s journey is unique and that is the beauty of it (this also means the pace at which your life evolves and the learnings that come to you will all happen at different times for each of us) - the common thread is that:
The decision to step into your power starts with YOU.
With effort comes the reward of; total freedom, life purpose and meaning. Access to your inner power.
Now that you have identified your Personality Type last month and identified personal strengths & weaknesses, it's time to define and understand your unique set of values:
So, what are values?
Values are fundamental! Intrinsic human values are the foundation of human behaviour. The following will help you understand the importance of values.
- Axiology studies the nature, types, and criteria of values. Values are a key a motivator for human life or purpose. The science of values is called Axiology. It is one of the youngest -ologies, first mentioned in 1908 by Eduard von Hartman and Paul Lapie. Axiology studies characteristics, structure and the hierarchy of values all over the world.
- Your greatest voids form your core values. You want to spontaneously fulfill what is missing the most in your life. I.e. If your parents were controlling most of your actions and decisions, you may likely value traveling and making your own decisions.
- There are 2 types of voids: permanent and temporary. Permanent voids form your core values within the first 10 years of life. These are core values, or constant values. Temporary voids create temporary values until the void is fulfilled. After the void is fulfilled you are ready to move on to full a new void. That’s why it’s recommended to define your values as often as every 90 days.
“Any human action is meaningless unless purpose-oriented. From this point of view, value is the requirement for action of the human subject pertaining to a social framework.” (Ludwig Grunberg)
- Values may be subjective (personal) or objective (impersonal). Each individual sees the world around them based on their subjective (personal) set of values. They are the glasses through which you see life.
- Your set of values dictates what is and isn’t important to you. What success is to you, may seem like failure to another. That which is most important to you, for others may seem not important at all. Values are the filter through which your reality is perceived.
- Your highest value in the hierarchy is an aid to know your purpose – giving more meaning to your life. As you get clear on the hierarchy of you values, it is easier to create congruent actions, plans, and goals. You set your actions, plans and goals yourself. Not by listening to others. It is the main pillar, the basic structure of your daily, monthly and yearly planning. If you stick to your values – you’ll have a constant flow of energy and inspiration.
What do YOU Value?
Now it's time to take learn what your core (permanent) and changing (temporary) values are.
- Turn off all notifications and remove any distractions
- Find a quiet, comfortable space
- Notepad and Pen in hand (Recommended: use your BTA Personal & Professional Development Monthly Journal)
- A joint if it helps your process but a sober mind is fantastic too.
Important advice before you start:
- While doing this, think about your behaviours in the past few weeks or months.
- Be as specific as possible. For example; if the question is “how do you spend your time most” and you answer with “work”, specify what you do at work? Do you design? analyze? Sell? Learn?
- Do not compare your life to anyone else – write only what your life truly demonstrates.
- Do not write “socially accepted answers” and avoid lying to yourself. This exercise is about you and only you – be congruent to YOU.
Your hierarchy of values is the compass of your life.Your values unconsciously guide you in life. Now that you consciously know your values ensure you use this discovery when making your life’s decisions. Carl Jung defined this process as individuation. In Jung's terms, individuation means the realization of the Self.
Everyone has a unique set of values. Everyone is authentic.There’s no same hierarchy of values in the world. Every human being has their own needs to fulfill. No one is committed to you or your wishes. Everyone is committed to fulfilling their own needs.
It may take a while until you consciously realize the effect and the results of your values discovery.
Be sure you are living according to you highest values daily. The value you receive from knowing your values may not give you immediate satisfaction/gratification. Instead it will provide you with consistent, long-term value, new insight and understanding everyday for the rest of your life.
“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.” (Mahatma Gandhi)
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