Tetrahydrocannabinol Delta 9
THC is the most commonly known cannabinoid as it is responsible for the psychoactive effect known as the ‘high’. Enjoyed through various means, when the Delta9-THC is ingested in comparison to smoked in through the lungs, the liver metabolizes the Delta9-THC into Carboxy-THC producing a different high. In addition to its recreational use, THC is also used therapeutically for its pain treatment properties, providing symptomatic relief to adults with multiple sclerosis and pain management to patients with cancer.
CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid and may instead counteract some of the effects of THC and has been evaluated for its antipsychotic effects. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective proprieties that make it useful for treating health concerns. Its uses vary and the effects depend on dosage, whereby humans often feel more alert when taking low doses and sedative at higher doses.
CBN is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is typically found in aged cannabis as it is produced through the oxidation of THC. It holds great therapeutic value through its antibacterial properties and potential through its neuroprotectant properties that were found to delay disease onset in mice.
THCV, a cannabinoid commonly found in Pakistani hash, is interesting in how it interacts with the endocannabinoid system: at a low dosage is an antagonist for CB1 receptors, thus not psychoactive, however at a high dosage it switches to an CB1 agonist, thus resulting in psychoactive effects. THCV has the potential to help counter epilepsy as it increases inhibitory neurotransmitters and the potential as an appetite suppressant.
CBG is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is a direct progression of CBGA, the first molecule produced by the cannabis plant. It has anti-proliferative properties which help inhibit the spread of cells thus making it of great interest for further research.
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